RSP’s Response to Covid-19.

RSP Senior Living has been building trusting relationships for over 30 years. It is in that spirit that we have created a dashboard so that families may access up-to-date information on each of our facilities' coronavirus testing and results. Facilities that have had a Covid-19 diagnosis in their building have immediately tested the entire staff and all residents.

Our residents and staff are like family to us, and we are confident in following all CDC guidelines in our facilities to keep everyone safe.

For any additional information on each building's Covid-19 policies, please go to their individual page on this website.

CDC Guidelines for Covid-19 in LTC facilities.
Covid-19 Stats.
Mitigating Actions Implemented to Prevent or Reduce the Risk of Transmission of Covid-19.

Residents, Staff, Families: Covid Vaccine Clinic at Woodlands on Tuesday, August 30th.
Both Moderna and one shot Janssen available.
Sign-up sheet and consent forms available with receptionist.
Last day to sign up is August 23rd.
First, second shots, along with boosters, will be available.

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